(A reprint from MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2009) Random Ramblings and Recurring Themes…. (The more things change….) Any time we enjoy wasting is not wasted time! (Mafia Wars, Bejeweled Blitz, Chain Rxn) The only James Bond to me is Sean Connery. Probably the one I least see as 007 is Roger […]
Volume 21, Number 11, March 13, 2016
Greetings, and thanks for joining me for another week. Exasperated, Columbia County (Pennsylvania) District Judge Craig Long felt the need to post a sign outside his courtroom earlier this year informing visitors that they should not wear pajamas to court. However, even Judge Long acknowledged that his admonition was […]
Volume 21, Number 8, February 21, 2016
Greetings, and thanks for joining me for another week. Through the course of some archeological history, one article suggests that sensibilities have changed dramatically. For example, millennia ago it seems that having a stake driven through your skull was not very unusual. I beg to differ. Today cutting someone’s head off isn’t either…. […]
Volume 21, Number 6, February 7, 2016
Greetings, and thanks for joining me for another week. So, it’s down to crunch time in New Hampshire. Our first-in-the-nation presidential primary election (bragging rights) is this coming Tuesday. NH allows voters to maintain a traditional one-of-two party registration or an ‘Undeclared’ status (I would like to see Libertarian recognized). […]